It really means a lot because the launch of our first DVD is a very personal matter for us. We are even happier because we were able to contribute to the good thing together with you by making this concert happen. A total of CZK 32,307 was collected! It was received in the form of a check by Petr Sobek from the Prague House of Light and will be used for HIV infection testing that is anonymous and free of charge in the House of Light. Many thanks also to our godparents Kamila Nyvltová, Ruda from Ostrava and Professor Towen, who wished all the best to our "little one".
DVDs can be purchased via both Facebook and our website. The sale itself will begin in the coming days, with all the information for those interested available on Facebook and on our website.
Thanks again, we appreciate your favor, see you again soon!
P.S.: Let's not forget what Freddie died from and také care (not only) of ourselves -> > Czech AIDS Help Society