Yesterday, we started the most demanding part of our current Scandinavian tour. After Finland and Norway we are going to spend 2 weeks in Sweden, with a total of 8 concerts.
First city conquered! It is the oldest Viking town of Västerås. You can check out what they wrote about us on the following link:
Among other things, we will play in the university town of Uppsala, where the show will include the entirely unique Barcelona duet. The popular Swedish singer Elisabeth Wanngård will be our guest. An interesting fact is that the concert will be held in the local auditorium for 1,800 people where it will be the first rock concert since Led Zeppelin‘s show on March 15, 1969. This classical concert hall hosted i.a. Pope John Paul II.
edit 23.3.2015 16.19:
Beautiful report from the show in Jönköping: