


Michael Kluch

Freddie the musical has closed

On March 19, 2019 the musical performance of Radek Brzobohatý Theater, Freddie, was played for the last time in the completely full theater in Jablonec nad Nisou.


Michael Kluch

Michael Kluch as a guest on Všechnopárty

Lately you could read or watch several dozen interviews with Michael in media of various kinds, and this week he‘s appeared on the Czech Television already twice. After the TV show 168 hodin, he accepted Karel Šíp‘s invitation to the cult talk show Všechnopárty!



Queen‘s stage came alive in Brno

The crowded Sono hall in Brno witnessed a spectacular concert by Queenie on Friday. During the show, fans could enjoy not only the music, but also a unique stage looking as if it came straight from the set of The Miracle music video by Queen. Thanks to the perfect combination of music and visual components, an amazing atmosphere accompanied the whole concert.


Michael Kluch

Queenie got main role in a new musical about Freddie

In April this year, the Radek Brzobohatý Theater will present a musical novel called Freddie by the director Karel Janák, inspired by the life story of one of the greatest musical icons of the 20th century that has conquered the whole world with its charisma and unique voice. Speech is about the frontman of the legendary Queen Freddie Mercury, whose genius has brought him to the top of glory, but also on the road to destruction.



Queenie again in SONO center in Brno!

After long expectation, this popular music group returns back to the SONO center in Brno to follow up on the sold-out performance two years ago premiered. This year's concert will bear attributes the band's autumn Scandinavian tour. In addition, this time into Brno will Queenie bring the stage design and show in the style of Queen's club concerts, which they called "QUEEN RELIVED".



New Years eve at the biggest European poker casino

On December 31st, 2017 Queenie was performing on the Gala Night to celebrate the arrival of the New Year. For the event, which took place at the biggest European poker casino in Rozvadov, Queenie had taken up the invitation from Karel Vágner and welcomed New Year 2018 alongside the legendary British band Smokie, Czech stars Karel Gott, Michal David or Russian soloist Vadim "Master Kalinka" Ananev.

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