

Web after reconstruction

In the last month our site was under a major renovation. The new design and all the responsive features of were acquired last year, and now has come time comes for its content.



10 years at Vagon

This October, 10 years have passed since Queenie’s first concert at Vagon, the cult club in Prague. The band performed there for the first time on October 7, 2007, and since then they have had shows at this venue with remarkable regularity, almost every month,. During this time, the band has become the most popular one at Vagon in terms of the numbers of visitors, with thousands of people having seen it during hundreds of hours of live music production. Thank you very much for your support, it keeps on motivating us to go on. This project is yours, too ;-)



Queenie are adding another show at the Kalich Theater!

Considering the great interest in our sold out concert at the Kalich Theater in Prague dedicated to the celebration of Freddie Mercury's life, which will take place on November 24, 2017, we have decided to do a nice thing for all those who will not be able to attend this event. For those of you who did not manage to purchase their tickets in time or would like to see this show twice, we are adding another one on December 4, 2017!


Oktobeerfest in Ostrava

On Saturday 14th of October we played our last openair concert in Ostrava's New Karolina forum. We thank all the audience for the amazing atmosphere. So the winter's part of the season was fully launched and you will meet with us already in the clubs and theaters.



Queenie to Belgium with orchestra

The first week of October will Queenie come to Belgium, where several concerts take place with the philharmony orchestra and the choir. On stage will meet over 60 artists and Queen's biggest hits will be heard. Concerts include cities such as Antwerp, Liège, Louvain-la-Neuve and Brussels.



Freddie for a Day 2017 at Hard Rock Cafe Prague

On September 5th, 2017 Freddie Mercury would have celebrated his 71st birthday. And as already a tradition, on his birthday each year we hold the so-called Freddie for a Day event, where everyone can contribute. It's been six years since Queenie first organized this charity concert at Hard Rock Cafe Prague – even before Hard Rock Cafe Praha tento charitatvní koncert. Ještě před tím, než Hard Rock Cafe began to support this event worldwide. We are pleased that we can do something for the good cause again and that we will not be alone in this.

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